Cooked chicken, red grapes, slivered almonds, and pineapple chunks make a lovely savory-sweet salad that's dressed with a mild curry mayonnaise. Papaya...
With their buttery flavor and texture, Yukon Golds create a rich, full-bodied backdrop for ribbons of anise-scented fennel, sweet cipollini onions, and...
Pittsburgh Steak Salad is unique in the way the people of Pittsburgh Pa eat the steak salad by adding fries and Ranch dressing to it. A recipe from Seduction...
Try our blueberry-melon salad recipe at for a refreshing treat. has the best fruit recipes like this blueberry melon salad...
Adapted from Food & Wine. This is a great way to use up leftover cooked couscous. The dressing can be whisked together in a bowl, but is especially easy...
Put fall vegetables to flavorful use in this easy-to-make recipe from chef Laurent Tourondel's "Fresh from the Market" cookbook. Also Try:Roasted Lamb...
As wonderful as dried figs are, fresh figs -- available from June to October -- are an even more intoxicating experience, especially when pan-seared and...
This potato salad takes its dressing from the French; the potatoes are infused with white wine, chicken stock, and a light vinaigrette instead of gloppy...
The classic caprese salad is a hallmark of summer, but when you add juicy citrus to the mix, it makes a colorful winter dish. The fruit really wakes up...
Corn provides a healthy whole-grain base to this colorful salad from nutritionist Cynthia Sass's "Cinch!" cookbook. Eat for an energy-boosting snack any...
Frying julienned leeks is a great way to add extra crunch and color to this Greek salad of olives, feta cheese, chickpeas, cucumber, Romaine, and grape...
My husband says that this is about as manly as a salad can get. It is fresh, crisp, colorful and loaded with meat. My favorite thing about this salad is...
Citrusy and cilantro-packed, this Pasta Salad with Peas and Summer Beans dish pairs well with grilled chicken or tuna. It would be equally delicious with...
Citrusy sumac and nutty sesame seeds amp up the lime juice-and-olive oil dressing for this simple salad. Serve it alongside Martha's Arabian Gulf-Style...
This easy side dish is winter's answer to the Greek salad. Lightly cooking the tomatoes and garlic sweetens their flavors, while wilting the escarole mellows...
If you don't have time to soak the wheat berries overnight, do a quick soak: Put them in a pot of cold water, and bringthem to a boil. Remove from heat;...
A colorful cabbage-free slaw made with golden beets, celery, and fennel that's dressed in a minty cider-vinaigrette. It's great to make ahead and tastes...